Thursday, November 16, 2023

Wayne R Flower solo ep for the album "You're the One You Love"

Hello all, I recently did a 'soft launch' of my solo ep that is from an album in progress called "You're the One You Love," out in the not too distant future! Support artists, $7 is nothing, you will spend more at the bar or Starbucks or your local coffee house. I just want to break even, doing this ain't cheap! And if you don't like it, buy something you DO like on Bandcamp!

Be well,
Wayne Ray Flower II


  1. It’s exciting to hear about new solo EP, "You're the One You Love," and the upcoming album! Your journey through the music scenes of Boise and Seattle from the 1980s to 2000 must have provided a rich tapestry of experiences to draw upon for your music. The concept of a soft launch is a great way to build interest and gather support while finalizing the album. I agree, supporting artists directly allows for more creative freedom and helps cover the costs that come with producing original work.

    Great post, keep them coming!

    Make your music easily discoverable. Create your artist profile on CKORD today!
